Effects of stress on your body

The physical effects of stress can be bad for your health, if you are not aware of the symptoms and manage it properly.


In response to perceived danger, the hypothalamus places an order for stress hormones.

Stress triggers the “fight or flight” response that can save you from danger.

Prolonged stress can interfere with sleep and cause insomnia.

Headache is a common side effect of chronic stress.

Chronic stress can cause additional anxiety and lead to depression.


Stress causes you to breathe faster so you can take in more oxygen. If you already have respiratory problems, you might have trouble breathing.


Stress hormones make your heart pump faster so that blood can reach vital organs and limbs quickly.

Over time, stress takes a toll on your heart, raising your risk of heart attack.

Blood Pressure:

Stress hormones, constricted blood vessels, and a pounding heart can raise blood pressure. That’s all right in the short term, but it’s a real danger of chronic stress.


Your liver ramps up glucose production to give you energy for that “fight or flight” response.

Your liver releases extra glucose into your bloodstream. Too much glucose for too long puts you at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.


You digestive system feels the impact of stress. You might get heartburn or have acid reflux.

Your aching stomach may be a sign that you’re over stressed. You might even have diarrhoea or develop constipation.


Stress makes your muscles tense up. If you aren’t able to relax them, you may develop aches and pains all over your body.


Fluctuating hormones can throw your menstrual cycle off or stop it all together.

A little stress might make you more aroused, but chronic stress kills the mood.

Stress wreaks havoc on the reproductive system in both men and women and may make it harder to conceive.

Low testosterone levels may cause erectile dysfunction or impotence.


If your immune system isn’t working at full capacity, you’re more likely to get an infection or develop a disease.

Stress activates your immune system to protect you, but if it continues too long, it has the opposite effect.


Manage Your Divorce Stress More Effectively


Extracts from an article by Ann Pietrangelo

Posted by Sinta Ebersohn (Creator of fairdivorce.co.za – Stellenbosch)