Online Programmes

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On Global Fair Divorce Day, 25 June, I hosted a🔹FREE Online DIVORCE SUMMIT🔹
It was an incredible collection of interviews with 30+ Experts who shared their knowledge as well as Divorced and Alienated Families who told their heart-breaking stories of triumph over trauma, from all over the world.
Online Course to do at your Own Pace

What are personal boundaries, why we need them and how to set healthy boundaries and assert them with confidence.

Check out more details and the curriculum

Six week online course or do at your own pace

Be the leader your family needs during and after the life-altering adversity of divorce. Examine the impact divorce has on the various aspects of family life and acquire practical tools & skills to cultivate resilience in all these areas: emotional, mental, physical, spiritual and vocational.

See the curriculum and other details

The online learning platform, Udemy, offers a variety of very affordable courses about Divorce. Topics range from divorce recovery, healing from the pain & depression, co-parenting, finances and even a divorce blueprint.

Course duration can be anything from one hour to twelve hours to complete at your own pace, in your own time. Perfect for overwhelmed and overburdened families & parents.

The Parental Alienation Study Group (PASG) together with the National Coalition Against Parental Alienation (NCAPA), offers two online courses on Parental Alienation, at no cost to participants.

The one course was designed for parents & family members dealing with parental alienation and the other, for professional counselors & attorneys. Both offer a comprehensive insight into parental alienation and how to handle it effectively. You can do a course in your own time at your own pace.

Parental / Family Member Education

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Levels of Parental Alienation
Chapter 3: Sexual Abuse Allegations
Chapter 4: Background & Viewpoints
Chapter 5: Legal Process

Access the course here

Professional Training Course for Family Counselors / Family Law Attorneys

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Mild Parental Alienation
Chapter 3: Moderate Parental Alienation
Chapter 4: Severe Parental Alienation
Chapter 5: Parental Alienation with Sexual Abuse
Chapter 6: Therapy
Chapter 7: Background & Viewpoints
Chapter 8: Legal Process

Access the course here