Celebrating 10 Years since this website was launched in 2015!

Fair Divorce is still ranked among the TOP 90 DIVORCE BLOGS by Feedspot. They gather the best Divorce blogs from thousands of blogs on the web ranked by traffic, social media followers, domain authority & freshness.

Much gratitude to everyone who has supported me in this endeavour. Please continue to share the world’s most comprehensive resource for divorce with your friends, family, colleagues and anyone else who can benefit from this practical advice, guidance and support.

February (the Month of Love) Specials

Why You Keep Attracting the Wrong Partners. Learn what role your childhood plays, how you can break the cycle and attract your perfect partner.
Are You With An Emotionally Unavailable Partner? Watch this video to learn more about why you attract such a partner, stay in the relationship and how you can break free from it and heal yourself.

Love & Dating after Divorce (how to find the perfect partner). In this interview with Laurie Gerber, we talk about various aspects to consider, issues to resolve and skills needed to get ready for dating and finding true love again.

Watch the Video

Listen to the Podcast

Recent Interviews by the founder, Sinta Ebersohn

Financial Abuse (Interview with Felicity Guest): Maintenance defaulters who withhold financial support for their children, put the primary caregiving parent in an unbearable predicament and it is exasperated by a broken system that fails to protect vulnerable victims. Listen to the Podcast.
Divorce Support in the Workplace (Interview with Dr Sue Palmer Conn): Worldwide statistics indicate a dire need for employee support when going through a break-up or divorce. In this interview we discuss what can be done to meet that need effectively. Listen to the Podcast.
Special Needs Divorce Support: In this interview with Mary Ann Hughes, we discuss various aspects to consider during separation and divorce, that impact children with special needs.

Listen to the Podcast.

Recent Educational Videos by Sinta Ebersohn

7 Things I Wish I Knew, Before My Divorce: Some of the most important aspects of divorce to bear in mind if you are contemplating it or in the midst thereof.
Intimate Partner Betrayal is a profound emotional and psychological trauma. In this video I explain the immense impact on the betrayed partner and the far reaching effects on their past, present and future Self.

Fair Divorce – Practical Advice, Guidance & Support for Families going through Separation and Divorce. This project has been reviewed and awarded by the editorial team of Expertido, as one of the best divorce blogs out there. Their analyses is based on content quality, authenticity factors, uniqueness, data security and other aspects. Fair divorce is considered as reliable and trustworthy and is now part of their best list.

This proudly South African initiative was launched in 2015, as a result of the various challenges experienced during my own divorce, with the vision to provide all the relevant information about separation, divorce & blended families on one platform. I am proud to have served more than 50 000 users world-wide since then and honoured to have my work acknowledged.

Fair Divorce is still ranked among the TOP 90 DIVORCE BLOGS by Feedspot. They gather the best Divorce blogs from thousands of blogs on the web ranked by traffic, social media followers, domain authority & freshness.

Much gratitude to everyone who has supported me in this endeavour. Please continue to share the world’s most comprehensive resource for divorce with your friends, family, colleagues and anyone else who can benefit from this practical advice, guidance and support.