Sinta Ebersohn, the founder of interviews Michelle Sarao, professional organiser from Divorce Rx, about creating order in your life, home and work spaces during and after divorce. Michelle offers several practical tips and valuable insight into the often daunting task that we put off for as long as possible.
Subscribe to Sinta Ebersohn’s Youtube Channel to view past and future interviews
Subscribe to the Fair Divorce Podcast to listen to all her interviews and other discussions.

Professional organiser Michelle Sarao and I talk about all things cluttered and chaotic that need to be ordered as we separate, divorce, move house and re-settle in new circumstances. If you’ve been avoiding this task, this is bound to get you started.
Watch this video where I talk about how I burned my wedding photographs and lived to regret it: Don’t Burn Your Wedding Photographs or Read the Article here.
Posted by Sinta Ebersohn (Creator of – Stellenbosch, South Africa)