Trauma Release Exercise

Not One for Counselling? Do TRE! Divorce increases the normal stress of everyday life and the body tends to contract muscles as a coping mechanism, which manifest in aches, pains and even illness.

Practicing Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) can prevent these chronic conditions and relieve the acute discomfort caused by trauma. This revolutionary body-centered method for trauma and stress recovery, developed by Dr David Berceli is based upon a neurological viewpoint that tremors are the organic way in which human beings (and animals) recover from the aftermaths of tension and trauma.

Consciousness Coach, Ann Baret says that the set of six exercises activate a shaking mechanism in the body, which releases accumulated adrenalin and cortisol. When tension is released anywhere in the body, the brain registers this as a reduction in pain and produces new hormones that promote healing. One can return to a healthy physical balance and a feeling of being alive and connected in a relatively short period of time. From this new place of balance, one can start life afresh and be ready to learn new skills, take on new challenges and transform one’s life.

Make Your Own Divorce Mandala

The exercise starts with a simple form of carefully stretching certain muscles in the body, whereafter the person lies down on his or her back. The tremors normally begin in the legs and with time reverberate outwards along the spine, releasing tension from the sacrum to the cranium. The neurogenic muscle tremors (shaking) have nothing to do with skill or control, but originate deep in the core of the psoas muscles of the body. It is important not to resist or stop the tremors, but rather allow it to take it’s natural course in order to allow the muscles to relax afterward.

TRE will benefit anyone who has suffered the physical stress or trauma of accidents, injuries, operations and even physical – and/or emotional abuse. Emergency workers, therapists, doctors, military personnel and even those who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) have gained from this.

Some benefits of TRE are:

  • Release of chronic traumatic stress
  • Reduction of anxiety
  • Increased energy and endurance
  • More flexibility in the body
  • Healing of old injuries
  • Feeling grounded and centered
  • Release of emotional and physical stress
  • Reduced PTSD symptoms
  • Improved sleep
  • Reduced muscle and back pain
  • Greater emotional resiliency
  • Improvement in overall health

This simple and safe self-help tool enables relatively quick release of chronic tension patterns, allowing return to a well-balanced and calm state.


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Written by Sinta Ebersohn (Creator of – Stellenbosch)